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Making The Most Of The Last Days Of Winter

19 Feb 2020 | nature & seasons

I will be the first to admit that I rather jumped the gun with Spring this year. Our mild winter had snowdrops making an appearance so early it was almost impolite, and with bright yellow daffodils blooming all over my local flower stall and dawn creeping earlier each day, I got carried away on a wave of lighter jackets, outdoor plans, and light, Spring-like meals. However, storms Ciara and Dennis quickly put me in my place. Two weekends in a row of wind and rain battering windowpanes made me realise that while Spring is indeed on its way, it’s not here quite yet, and actually, that’s rather nice.

There is something lovely about leaning into these last precious days of winter. Of making the most of a final guilt-free Sunday, cosied up in bed or under a pile of blankets on the settee, comforted by the knowledge that there is nothing better you could be doing. Relishing evenings still long enough to light a candle and run a bath. Slide trays of root vegetables covered in cheese into the oven. Of wearing wool while it is still cosy as opposed to sweaty. And brightly coloured hats, gloves and scarfs, while they still serve a purpose other than to be stuffed in your bag five minutes after leaving the house.

Spring might be on its way, but until it makes its full, unfettered arrival, we might as well make the most of Winter. After all, in just a few months, when we wake in a pile of scrunched sheets to already overheated air, we will look back in fondness at these frost-cleaned mornings.

So if you are keen to eek out the very last drops of winter’s magic, then here are a few ideas from The Slow Living Guide.

box with two candles in it

Winter Aromatherapy Candle Duo | The Smallest Light

I adore Laura’s seasonal aromatherapy candle blends, and these are two of my favourites. Promises to Keep is an earthy blend of cedar wood and sandalwood, and Winter’s Tale a refreshing mix of clary sage and peppermint to begin to clear the winter sedation from your home.

pothie slippers in front of a wood stove

Pothie Slippers | Pothies

The evenings will be cold for a good while yet, so there is still time to make the most of these hand-knitted slippers – they’ll keep your toes warm right through until Summer!

a cup of hot chocolate on a table in front of a fireplace

Orange Hot Chocolate | The Cosy Chocolate Company

Make the most of every cosy mugful of hot chocolate with this delicious version from The Cosy Chocolate Company. The name says it all!

weaving kit

Weaving Kit | Mary Maddocks

The evenings are still long enough to settle down with a craft, and this weaving kit has everything you need in order to learn a new skill.

bath salt bottle from nathalie bond

Unwind Bath Salts | Nathalie Bond

Long, almost-too-hot baths with candles and music are one of winter’s best delights, and as the weather warms up they become increasingly less satisfying. Make the most of sinking your cold muscles into a hot tub of water with these lovely bath salts.

winter wreath

The Night Stars | The Little Vintage

With fresh flowers only just starting to bloom, plug the gap and brighten up your home with this beautiful dried floral wreath.

Contributing TSLG Writer: Fiona Barrows

As a creative business mentor and brand strategist, Fiona helps creative business owners get through the difficult, sticky patches in their creative businesses and lives, find clarity and build momentum. She’s also a writer, the maker of the There Are Other Ways podcast, and an enthusiast of coffee shops, carrot cake and beeswax candles. She’s based in Frome, Somerset, but works with creatives all over the world.

www.fionabarrows.com | @fbarrows

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