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Thoughtful Gifts That Inspire Slow Travel

10 Feb 2023 | travel & explore

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While slow living and slow travel offer many benefits, not everyone knows how to incorporate it in their lives or where to start. One thing is for sure though: once you’ve discovered the world of slow, it can be transformative and you might wonder why you haven’t embraced it sooner. Do you have a loved one who would benefit from a slow living approach to their next travel? Surprise them with a gift that inspires them to give slow travel a try. We’ve put together a list of thoughtful slow travel gift ideas for you to pick from.

Travel books

Whether they’re about the history of the world or how to travel the globe, travel books have been around for centuries and continue to enhance our travel experiences and inspire new ones. A good travel book will contain awe-inspiring photographs, witticisms, and interesting tidbits about local culture, history, and landscape.

A travel book is one of the best options if you’re looking for a splurge-worthy gift to help anyone along their slow-living journey. It’s perfect for making the most of a getaway, to immerse in the local history or customs and can be an excellent source of entertainment during travels too. There are plenty of books out there that talk about slow travel, so this could be a wonderful nudge, too.

Travel pass or hotel gift card

When it comes to slow travel, it’s important to be mindful and soak in what’s surrounding you. But it’s also about being environmentally conscious. What better than to promote this to your loved ones combined in one gift? While it can be a bit more challenging to promote city travel, as it tends to be so fast-paced, you can purchase a hotel voucher or gift card for accommodations that promote a slower style of living and hospitality. Think about a rural retreat or a cosy cottage tucked away in the hills. The form of transportation can also be encouraged, so why not look into rail passes, something such as Interrail?

various road maps randomly lying on the floor


Even though there are apps such as Google Maps on our phones, and most cars now offer a GPS, there’s something very appealing about old fashioned maps. They can get so much use, whether it be for travel, craft, or decorative purposes. A big part of the slow travel experience is breaking away from technology; even if it’s just for a while. So, this could be the perfect gift to promote less tech use and help bring your loved one back to a simpler time when traveling.


A piece of jewellery is always a lovely lasting gift which can be cherished for years. It provides a little fashion at the same time it’s a reminder of the slow living lifestyle. You can opt for a travel themed charm, such as a little plane, boat or suitcase, or choose something that symbolizes the destination.

Another option is to gift a Saint Christopher pendant. Saint Christopher is said to be the patron saint of travellers. Those who wear the Saint Christopher emblem, particularly in pendant form, are believed to have protection during their travels. Knowing that one is well-protected might be just the motivation to go off the beaten track and experience travel more deeply.

If your loved one is a frequent traveler, then a travel memento keychain might be right up their street. This is a keychain that carries tokens of the countries visited. The idea is to add a token every time they visit a new country. Creating memories is a wonderful example of the slow living ethos, so what better way to remember all the adventures abroad then to carry them with you on a daily basis?

a picnic basket - slow travel gifts

Picnic Basket

A great way for anyone to enjoy their slow travels in the summer time is having a picnic basket. Plus, this is something that could also get so much use outside of travel, which is excellent as an eco-friendly gift. It’s a gentle reminder that meals can be packed, and they can enjoy their food outside in nature, taking things slowly as they take in their surroundings. What’s not to love there?

This post is contributed by a content partner. The content is meant to inspire you how to live a slow, simple, soulful and sustainable lifestyle and may contain (affiliate) links to articles, websites or products/services that you might be interested in.

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