(collaborative post)

Whether you live alone, with a partner, friends, or a family, clutter and mess will always find a way to appear in your home. There is no way to completely eliminate it from happening. However, there are ways in which you can actively make cleaning and tidying your home a less frequent and easier job for yourself. Here are a few top tips for decluttering your home.

Regularly clean up

Cleaning your home, and cleaning it regularly, is an important aspect of decluttering your home. While many people believe clutter is just having too many items, such as ornaments, it actually includes cleanliness and mess as well. You could have a minimalist home, but if it is messy, then it will feel cluttered. Cleaning your home will make it a much more relaxing environment to be in.

To clean your home, you should start by reviewing your home room-by-room. This will give you an idea of what cleaning jobs are necessary to declutter it. From here, you can make a list to tackle. You can work through and declutter on a room-by-room basis, just how you wrote the list. Or perhaps in descending order from small chores to large ones. It is important to find what works for you.

Once you have cleaned your home and made it free from clutter, you can then think about a long-term solution to clean it regularly. To help this happen, simply make a daily or weekly planner that outlines when and where you should be tidying up. This will allow you to easily stay on top of any mess in your home. This makes it easier to maintain a clutter-free house.

Tidy living room - tips for decluttering your home

Get rid of stuff

It is common for piles of junk to accumulate with the intention of being sorted through eventually. Unfortunately, when you hold onto things for too long, it can create a home filled with clutter. While there may be items that you have a good intention to keep or throw away, it can start to impact the feel of your home and your mental well-being when you don’t take action.

Similarly to cleaning up your home, you should spend some time going through all the rooms in your home. You should be honest with yourself and consider what items that you use and which you don’t. The same goes for items that you want, and ones that you don’t care for any longer. Both of these considerations are important because you don’t have to throw away everything that you don’t use. You just need to find a balance.

Make an inventory list of the items that you don’t want or use any longer. You may also create a second list of ‘maybes’. You can put this one aside to evaluate at a later date. This will include items that you are unsure about, and this activity will give you time to see if you use them.

For the items that you feel you don’t want or use, you can do some research into the best options to get rid of them. Keeping the environment in mind, you’d want to part with your stuff in a sustainable and responsible way and not throw everything in the bin. Instead, you can sell them on social media or a similar market-type website. Alternatively, you can have a garage sale, attend a car boot sale, pass them to family members or friends, or donate them to a charity shop.

There are endless possibilities when it comes to throwing items away. You will feel much lighter when you do! Throwing items away as one job is great, but it is also important to consider how you can stay on top of this in the future, to ensure items do not begin to build up again and clutter your home. To avoid this from happening, you should be strict with yourself when you clean up, and actually decide if the items you are tidying up have a place in your home.

Four cardboard boxes in a closet used for storage of goods - tips for decluttering your home

Store your items correctly

After cleaning your home and sorting through items you want to throw away, an important step in decluttering your home is learning how to store items correctly. A clutter-free home is not necessarily a home that has no items in it. You can still keep plenty of items that you like or need. However, if you can store them in a better way, it can help your home feel like a clean space and support feelings of well-being.

To do this, you should first audit your home and consider all the items that need a home to live. You can then get creative and see what you can do to store them. It might be that you decide to tie them into your decor and hang shelves on the walls to place the items.

For items that you want to keep but don’t have a place for, you may decide to clear out space in your garage or loft to keep them protected. You may also see how you can cleverly utilise space in your home, such as under the bed, and in cupboards and boxes.

If you find you have large items, awkward items or not enough storage space, then you may decide to find a local storage location such as Britannia Beckwith storage. These are facilities that are safe and secure, so you can keep hold of items rather than having to choose between a cluttered home or parting with them.

Not everything needs to be done at the speed of light when it comes to putting good practices or processes into place, especially if you prefer living a slower lifestyle. As such, these tips are advantageous to anyone looking to declutter and keep on top of the mess in their home. Follow these top tips to help you get started with decluttering.

This post was published in collaboration with a professional content creating partner. The content is meant to inspire you how to live a slow, simple, soulful and sustainable lifestyle and may contain (affiliate) links to articles, websites or products/services that may be of interest to you.

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