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Here’s Why You Need A Staycation

4 Jun 2023 | travel & explore

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You might already be thinking about your next holiday with your family. Even if you’ve just come back from one, there’s nothing wrong with getting your next holiday ready, or at least doing the research for it. Most people choose to go abroad when they go on a holiday, but what about a staycation? 

By definition, a staycation is a holiday but one where you stay at home or nearby. In England, there are plenty of places that you can visit, from Butlins and Centre Parcs to your local Haven Hideaway. When it comes to a holiday, you don’t just have to hop on a plane and hope you land somewhere wonderful. You can go local and have some of the best memories made you will ever have in your life. If you are still dithering over the idea of where you should go for your next holiday, here are the reasons you should choose a staycation.

Explore local beauty

It’s so easy to take for granted the local areas in your state, or country. There are plenty of beautiful cities, including your own. There are aquariums, musea, restaurants and more. You don’t have to necessarily sleep at home, because you could camp, hire a caravan, or go to a hotel. Make a list of the local beauty options so that you can decide where you’d like to visit while you are staying close to where you’ve always lived.

A sweet escape

No, you’re not heading to an airport and jumping on the next plane. That doesn’t mean you can’t escape the real world. The rigmarole of logging into your job everyday and making sure that you are cooking your hours gets boring, tedious and quite stressful after a time. Choosing to have a staycation means that you can choose to go on a holiday without having to spend too much money or energy. It gives you a chance to take some time to yourself. Whether you take the whole family with you or you decide to go with your partner or girlfriends, you get that refreshing escape you’ve been looking for.

a dog relaxing in the garden with a hammock - staycation

It’s often cheaper

Sometimes you can get some amazing deals on package holidays but since the pandemic, going abroad has become very expensive. One thing that often holds people back from taking a break is money. Going to a local hotel, even something as simple as a Travelodge or a Premier Inn, can give you the break that you need without having to break the bank. You can also choose a nice and cosy B&B in an area nearby that you haven’t been to before. Another less expensive option is to go camping. The cheapest option is of course to stay in the comfort of your own home and take day trips.

You can relax

The whole point of a holiday of any kind, whether you’re going abroad or whether you choose a staycation, is to relax. Being able to kick back and just enjoy yourself and take some time away from your usual hustle and bustle can make a big difference to your stress levels, your happiness levels, and how you perceive the rest of the world around you. There is no real better place to relax and rest easily knowing that you can take some time off work.

There are many good reasons for choosing a staycation. Wherever you decide to spend your break; make sure to completely log off from work and take your mind off all daily chores. Have fun discovering your local area!

This post is contributed by a content partner. The content is meant to inspire you how to live a slow, simple, soulful and sustainable lifestyle and may contain (affiliate) links to articles, websites or products/services that you might be interested in.

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