Josephine Brooks
Taking you from figuring everything out all by yourself and letting fear, procrastination and self-doubt block your progress, to feeling confident and making your big dreams a reality.
Josephine Brooks | Josephine
I'm Josephine and I’m on a mission to help you build a creative business that enables you to live the holistic lifestyle you long for, by helping you Make a plan, and make it happen.
My 12-week planning method was born out of my struggle to take my ideas for my business through to fruition. It was a challenge to figure out which projects to focus on, and be realistic about how much I could achieve. As a result I often ended up feeling overwhelmed and disheartened.
By intentionally getting clear on what I wanted to achieve, then defining the steps it would take to get there and developing my 12-week planning method as I went, I created the lifestyle and business I have now, step by step.