Blog | home & cosy

Your home is your safe haven and the place where you hunker down after a busy day or in the darker months of the year. Make it as cosy as you can!

8 Tips For Year-Round Garden Beauty

8 Tips For Year-Round Garden Beauty

Creating a garden is fun, but it may be daunting to keep it looking its best all year. Having a solid plan can ensure your garden maintains its unique texture, colour, and structure to draw interest, no matter the season. Here are a few simple tips for keeping it looking beautiful year-round.

Tips For Bringing More Nature Into Your Home

Tips For Bringing More Nature Into Your Home

Creating welcoming indoor-outdoor living spaces allows you to benefit from the therapeutic properties of the outdoors within the comfort of your own home. If this sounds appealing to you, then you can find some tips for creating a home that welcomes nature while enjoying all its benefits.

5 Ways To Increase Natural Light In Your Home

5 Ways To Increase Natural Light In Your Home

There are many benefits to increasing natural light in your home. Increased natural light lowers your stress levels, makes you happier and healthier and can also increase the value of your home. If your home is a little on the dark side or you want to increase light flooding into your home, read on for some tips.